Collaborative Law
Collaborative divorce is designed to engage both parties in a solution-focused process that can replace the distress and discomfort of traditional divorce with a congenial and mediated discussion. Unlike settling disputes in the courtroom, the collaborative divorce process takes place in a closed and non-confrontational environment. Parties are committed to working together in their shared best interest.
Collaborative divorce allows parties to resolve issues using strategies of cooperation rather than adversarial approaches. When matters are discussed honestly and openly, with an emphasis on fairness and clear communication, everybody wins. Collaborative divorce helps in that process by allowing parties to:
- Resolve differences with minimal conflict and without court intervention
- Alleviate the pain, stress and frustration that accompany divorce
- Achieve settlements by mutual consent
- Keep the conflict from being difficult and costly
The parties and their individual attorneys work together to reach a settlement based on your family's needs and priorities. Attorneys lead this process in a spirit of openness and fairness that will assist the parties in reaching fair and practical solutions.
Collaborative divorce typically saves time and money because it allows parties to bypass lengthy investigations, retention of experts and courtroom argument. It leaves decisions about what's best for your family in your hands, not those of a judge.
When you choose to engage in collaborative divorce, you gain the support of professionals who can assist you with making the right decision regarding the difficult financial and emotional issues you may be facing. There are many benefits to this process, including:
- Stress and conflict are reduced
- Communication and trust improve
- Old behavior patterns and differences are overcome
- The needs of the children, and entire family, are put first by you, your spouse and our team
- Dignity and privacy are preserved
- The process is often less costly than litigation
- Compliance with the final settlement is typically greater, keeping you out of court in the future
“Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict — alternatives to passive or aggressive responses, alternatives to violence.” ~ Dorothy Thompson