Conflict Resolution Counseling
Dr. Kim E. Costello is fully qualified as a Conflict Resolution Counselor and is committed to providing clients with an array of mediation options. She has many years of experience of helping families, couples and children work through times of transition in their lives.
Neutral Mental Health Professional
As a certified neutral Mental Health Professional Counselor (MHP), Dr. Costello provides expert assistance for managing the highly charged emotions that typically accompany contentious conflicts.
Her role as a MHP is to assist with communication and decision making, including the creation of parenting plans, problem-solving, visitation schedules and financial arrangements.
Dr. Costello is a licensed mental health counselor and a member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts and the International Association of Collaborative Professionals. She is also a Florida Supreme Court Mediator and Parenting Coordinator, and is trained in the most current models for family mediation and collaborative law.
Collaborative Divorce Consultations
Collaborative Law consultations benefit from the inclusion of the qualified and impartial influence of the MHP, a trained leader who brings the positive dynamic of experienced neutrality. This neutrality encourages openness and trust, dispelling the fear and suspicion usually associated with confrontational meetings. In addition a neutral Mental Health Professional Counselor is skilled at steering the meeting, including professionals and conflicting parties, to dispel confined emotions and encourage constructive negotiations.
Child Specialist
A Child Specialist is an individual whose primary role is to assist in keeping the children’s needs at the forefront. Even for the best parents, and despite good intentions, the focus of the negotiations can easily shift from the children’s welfare to more emotionally-charged issues of conflict between the parties.
The Child Specialist acts as advocate for the children, to ensure that their needs remain as top priorities. Because of her extensive experience working with children and families, Dr. Costello brings a unique perspective to this role. She is able to connect with children and families on a deep emotional level that allows for greater awareness and understanding of the unique needs of each individual. Through her work as a child specialist, Dr. Costello shares meaningful insights and helpful assessment information to assist parents in making decisions to reflect the best interest of their children.
In this capacity, Dr. Costello may meet with the children individually or with the family group. She will work with each member of the family directly to identify issues requiring attention. Additionally, Dr. Costello provides emotional support and helps children to better understand and accept the dynamic changes that they face.
Parent Coordinator
In her role as Parent Coordinator, Dr. Costello helps to reduce the negative effects on the family unit by working with the parties to facilitate effective joint decision making. When disagreements arise in the negotiation process, Dr. Costello provides the parties with strategies and support that can assist in resolving conflicts.
One of the greates values of having a Parenting Coordinator is the creation and implementation of a parenting plan that is specifically tailored to your uique family. When creating a parenting plan, Dr. Costello works cohesively with parents to accommodate the needs of each family member.
When working with a Parent Coordinator, decision making authority remains in your hands. Dr. Costello’s role is to help ensure that the important decisions you are making will be sustainable when put into practice over the long-term. She does this by helping the parties make decisions together, even in high conflict situations, by relying on effective communication and co-parenting strategies.
“My deep commitment to seeing children, adults and families reach their full potential for happiness and success is and has always been my main focus.” ~ Dr Kim Costello